Our Story


At TokkiTennis, we're on a mission to serve up fun and fellowship for tennis fanatics, supporters and spectators alike. By championing a love and adoration of tennis as our vehicle for bringing people together, we hope to ignite camaraderie among those who share in our passion for the sport.


A place where passion and personal growth know no bounds, TokkiTennis is a community that aspires to be the premier hub for tennis enthusiasts and sport lovers alike. Through the charms of our kawaii characters, our collaborative partnerships and a range of quality products and media content, we bring people together of all ages, backgrounds, and skill levels in celebration of the game we love.


Who says you have to be high-class or well-connected to have the heart of a champion? We here at TokkiTennis believe the sport of tennis should be for everybody, for everyone, forever and for always. So, we’re taking tennis back. Back to its origins. Back to the streets. Back to the public courts where so many greats have emerged despite (and against) all odds.

Here at TokkiTennis, it's not about your pedigree or your pocketbook; it's about the strength of your character, the depth of your discipline and the fight in your game. In a world where exclusivity reigns, we're destigmatizing the game of tennis and opening the gates to all who dare to dream of greatness. We're not just a brand; we're a movement. Together let's rewrite the story of tennis and create a future where everyone has a shot at glory.

Embodiments of the relaxed company culture here at TokkiTennis, Emma, Henri, Ken and Stefan are tennis-loving friends you can’t help but get chummy with. These chill cuties do their duty to demonstrate our profound love for the game in a unique and playful way. They’re adventurous, inquisitive, charismatic, and adorably kawaii as can be. 


TokkiTennis co-founder, Devi Smith, is a former NCAA Division 1 tennis player who owes her success to the public courts of Southern California. Raised by a single mother and her grandparents, she remembers finding refuge at nearby local courts that have seen the likes of the Williams sisters, Billie Jean King and other tennis icons. Partnered with Scott Henderson, former wrestler and footballer who has long since hung up his cleats and is an avid tennis player and enthusiast, she hopes to establish a community of like-minded public court advocates and tennis enthusiasts committed to similar causes. Both passionate about philanthropy, this totally awesome Tokki duo has pledged to support and advocate for the amazing organizations.